Monday, August 27, 2018

I'm Back

For the moment that is, and that's because it is taking longer than I expected to get B2Evolution set up. It's no WordPress, thank God, but then again it's no WordPress.

In other news I have learned...

I'm autistic. High functioning, but still

I have a hyperactive thyroid. Which means I get to be a meth head. Meth in this case being short for Methimazole; which is generic for Tapazole. The Meth also means I have to have my blood checked once a week and my doctor needs to watch to see if my eyes turn yellow.

This Meth also means that Warfarin is not safe for me, since both drugs are blood thinners and together may be more blood thinner than I can handle.

But I need a blood thinner thanks to afib. Or Atrial Fibrillation, a condition where the atrials and the ventricles are out of sync with the  atrials pumping faster than the latter. Which means that my heart will start beating too fast, and that puts me into emergency.

And the afib means in turn blood clots taking lodge in places that interfere with things, and to handle them I need a blood thinner.

And then on top of it all I have chronic bronchitis. The bad kidneys just add insult to injury.

My arthritic knees aren't really worth mentioning when you get right down to it.

And the bad news is, it seems I've had a hyperactive thyroid, the afib, the chronic bronchitis, and the bad kidneys since I was a kid. Being young hides so much.

But I shall survive, I'll shall produce, and I shall get my new site set up even if it kills me. And the last task means I have studying to do. The Singularity can't come too soon.

Another post coming, cuz I have things to say.

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